Hand Made Limited Edition Artist Books 

Are We Dead Yet?

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2021

Artwork type: Edition book

Media: Digital print, photo

Paper: Mohawk Superfine Eggshell Ultra White paper

Dimensions: 38.5 cm W x 51.5 cm H x 3 cm D

Binding: Hand - sewn

Edition Size: 5

Printer: Momento Pro

Enclosure: Clamshell box

Price: USD $7,500.00 (SOLD OUT)


Stephen Dupont (artist)

Ava Dupont (artist)



Are We Dead Yet? documents the exponentially escalating impact of climate change as evidenced by the Australian black summer bushfires of 2019-2020. The impeccably printed photographs show Dupont’s coverage of fire, drought, flood and the destruction of native forests in Australia, and illuminate surreal-looking landscapes of devastation, and the accompanying human, flora, and animal trauma.

Curator’s note:
“This alarming book contrasts the catastrophes of fire and flood as only the photography of award winning photo-journalist Stephen Dupont can do. (Dupont is the sole recipient of both the Eugene W. Smith and the Robert Gardner Awards for humanitarian photography.) The images are beautifully terrifying and the oversize book completely controls the readers’ field of vision, so that the immense scale of the landscapes depicted, are, like the fire and water envisioned in these pages, enough to make one breathless.

Artist Statement:
“Inspired by my young daughter Ava, a climate activist, for the past few years I have been working on a long-term photography project around climate change and the future of our planet. When Ava and I discuss and debate these issues, we often come to the the big question…Is it too late? Is it possible to save the planet, or have we pushed “Mother Nature” to the brink of extinction? Many scientists say Australia is the climate crisis litmus test. What happens here will pretty much determine the outcomes for the rest of the world. I believe that “Climate Change” is the biggest issue facing humanity today and I feel a great responsibility to bring attention to this story.”


National Library of Australia (Ed. 1/5)

State Library of NSW, Australia (Ed. 2/5)

State Library of Victoria, Australia (Ed. 3/5)

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, USA (Ed. 4/5)

University of Central Florida (UCF), USA (Ed. 5/5)

University of Connecticut (UCONN), USA (Ed. A/P)

Shark Island Institute, Australia (Ed. P/P)

Signs & Wonders

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2019

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo, collage

Dimensions: 23.5 cm W x 30.5 cm H x 8.9 cm D

Binding Type: hand stitched, leather cover and box

Details: 144 photos (119 b&w, 25 hand-coloured), 8 maps, 268 pages total, 52 text pages, 44 chapters, 20,000 words.

Edition Size: 12

Price: USD $30,000.00


Stephen Dupont

Jacques Menasche

Australia, Israel, Palestine, USA


Signs & Wonders is a limited-edition-of-twelve artist book retracing Mark Twain’s 1867 expedition to the Holy Land. A collaboration between American Jacques Menasche and Australian Stephen Dupont, it includes photographs printed on hand-painted emulsion, texts hand-typed on translucent kozo paper, and maps constructed from pages of an 1870 first-edition of Twain’s “The Innocents Abroad.” Handstamped with drop-cap wooden letterpress letters, with a leather cover hand-tooled in gold leaf, it comes in a clamshell box and has the dimensions of a family bible.

The collaboration between Dupont and Menasche dates back to 2004, when — a writer/photographer team — they reported from the region during the Second Intifada. Thirteen years later the pair returned for the 150th anniversary of Mark Twain’s trip, following a route that today weaves between Israel and the West Bank. The result is a journey, alternately reverent and comic, that winds through the grottos and deserts and seas and checkpoints and churches, from the volcanic plateau of the Golan Heights to the Old City alleys of Jerusalem.

Driven by a desire to see what has changed in the 150 years since Mark Twain’s visit, textually Signs & Wonders creates a palimpsest of experiences (Twain's, the artists’ own reportage during the Second Intifada, and the present journey), told through the use of obsolete technologies (typewriter/letterpress).

Mark Twain, problematic politically (he was anti-Arab AND anti-Christian) was an assassin of pieties. And in that regard the book’s text follows in his footsteps, sparing neither Christian pilgrims, Palestinians, Israelis — or Twain himself. Nor do the artists escape unscathed. Despite being practiced observers who’ve made dozens of trips to the region over the past 25 years, they are also, like Twain, innocents abroad, neither Israeli nor Palestinian nor religious. Signs & Wonders reflects all this plus the random contingency of a travelogue.

Cover design & binding: Uriel Cidor, Center for Book Arts, New York.

Contributing artists: Chris Reid, Lynette Zheng, Shayne Pearce.


National Library of Australia (Ed. 1/12)

State Library of NSW, Australia (Ed. 2/12)

Private Collectors, NYC (Ed. 4/12)

Aileen Getty, Getty Collection, LA (Ed. 3/12)

Private Collector, Germany (Ed. 5/5)


A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2017

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo

Dimensions: 30.5 cm W x 41 cm H x 2 cm D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $3,500.00 (SOLD OUT)


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Ngurrara Native Title Claimants and the Ngurrara II canvas photographic essay in Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia. The book contains plates of the famous painting along with portraits of the artists, landscapes and details. The work was originally commissioned by The New Yorker Magazine and includes the original magazine story tear sheets by writer Geraldine Brooks.


National Library of Australia (AP)

State Library of NSW, Australia (Ed. 1/5)

Stanford University, CA (Ed. 5/5)

Tim Klingender, Australia (Ed. 2/5)

Geraldine Brooks, USA (AP)

Stokes Collection, Australia (Ed. 3 & 4/5)

Kill Em All

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2017

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo, ink, rubbing, collage, hand painting

Dimensions: 32 cm W x 24 cm H x 1.5 cm D

Binding Type: accordion

Edition Size: 12

Price: USD $2,800.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)

Marshall Weber (artist)

Australia, USA


The photographs in this provocative accordion fold book were taken in Afghanistan from 1993 to 2012 by Stephen Dupont. The ink painting, rubbings and book design were done by Marshall Weber.

Weber illuminated Dupont's photographs with ink painting and stenciled red wax letters which form a poem written by Weber. On the other side is a red wax and ink painting by Weber and more of Weber's text. The poetry offers an emotional perspective on the complicity of those who benefit from the ongpoing wars in developing nations prosecuted by the United States of America.

Dupont chose about 300 photos from his massive archive and gave them to Weber who then edited this (and four other books, there will be 12 books in the entire series) and constructed an accordion fold book of the photos.  Weber meticulously brushed Sumi and other inks throughout the pages of the book merging the imagery and  texts creating both an epic frieze and an intimate accordion fold book.

Dupont and Weber have been collaborating on exhibitions, workshops, and artists’ books for over a decade; "Kill Them All" is the fifth book in their “Dark Illuminations” series. 

The orginal unique books of the series are in various collections: the first book, Prisoners of War”, is in the collection of the Boston Athenaeum, the second book “The Lion of Panjshir” is in the collection of Bucknell College, “Who Served” the third book in the series, is at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, the fourth book “Sought Peace” is held by Wesleyan University and the original "Kill Them All" is at the Library of Congress.

Printed digitally on 100% duo cotton rag paper.


Bucknell College, PA, USA

ST. Olaf College, MN, USA

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, USA

Library of Congress, DC, USA

Franklin & Marshall College, OH, USA

Klingspor Institut, Germany

Scripps College, Denison Library, CA, USA

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI, USA

State Library of Victoria, Australia (Ed. 3/12)

Bernd Mayer, Germany (Ed. 2/12)

Walker Art Center, USA

University of California, Irvine (UCI), USA

Fucked Up Fotos

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2017

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo

Dimensions: 17 cm W x 24 cm H x 4 cm D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $4,000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



What makes a great photograph? Henri Cartier-Bresson coined “the decisive moment” while Robert Capa believed if your pictures are not good enough, you’re not close enough and Don McCullin wanted people to feel something in his work. Robert Frank said photography must contain the humanity of the moment and William Klein spoke of individuality, even if clumsy, so long as it doesn’t look like somebody else’s work. Now more than ever the lines of photography become more and more blurred. With digital technology the scope of photography is almost limitless. Even my own ideas of what makes a good photograph has changed and evolved. 

Fucked Up Fotos takes my philosophy of imperfections to a whole other level. There is very little of me in these photographs. In fact, the images were not exactly made by me at all. Of course I created them, but who really made them what they are? Science? Nature? My own negligence? Outside interferences? These photographs, once dismissed as poor rejects, are sometimes extraordinary, magical and poetic. They’re destructive and layered moments; complex and mysterious, like a painting they invite us to look much deeper, revealing interwoven fragments of time and space. In the end they offer new meaning to the art of photography itself, like fractured puzzle pieces from a waking dream.  

Printed digitally on 100% duo cotton rag paper.


National Library of Australia (Ed. 1/5)

State Library of NSW (Ed. 2/5)

State Library of Victoria (Ed. 3/5)

MONA, Australia (Ed. 4/5)

Harvard University, Fine Arts Library, USA (Ed. 5/5)

We Cut Heads

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.


Publication Date: 2016

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo

Dimensions: 23.0 cm W x 23.0 cm H x 4.7 cm D

Binding Type: concertina, paper case

Edition Size: 5 ( SOLD OUT )

Price: USD $3,500.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



This compilation of documentary photographs of hair cutters and barbershops brings together a wide range of images taken over almost three decades of Stephen Dupont’s career in photography.

Cover design: Nicola Scodellaro and Umberto Torricelli; book design: Sara Zampieri & Nicola Scodellaro.

Printed by Momento Pro with pigment inks on Japanese washi paper (kozo 110 gsm) made from mulberry fibre.


National Library of Australia (Ed. 2/5)

State Library of NSW (Ed. 4/5)

Boston Athenaeum (Ed. 3/5)

Tufts University, USA (AP)

MONA, Australia (Ed. 5/5)

Bernd Mayer, Germany (1/5)


Drive By Hagen

A small selection of page layouts from of the book

Publication Date: 2016

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo, pigment ink printed on japanese washi paper, Kozo 110 gsm, mullberry fibre.

Dimensions: 12.5 in W x 8.5 in H x 1.5 in D

Binding Type: accordion, paper case

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $4,000.00 ( SOLD OUT )


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Drive By Hagen is a personal project I made in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea in and around the provincial capital Mount Hagen. In 2016 I travelled with renowned documentary film maker and friend Bob Connolly to make a short film on him and his return after 25 years to the Highlands, the first time since making his seminal film “Black Harvest”. During the making of my little film with the working title Revisiting Black Harvest, we spent so much time driving to and from locations, I started to notice that people on the street were recognising Bob and reacting with excitement or shock to see him again. They would cheer, cry out, calling his name Bob Connollyyyyy! With some even driven to tears of joy. Bob had become locally famous for his film trilogy about First Contact, colonialism, coffee and tribal war. He spent many years living in the Highlands making these documentaries with his then wife Robin Anderson. 

I turned my gaze outwards, the car window became my frame within a frame and like a rolling camera, beautiful and strange moments would appear. Life along the roadside seemed to reflect just about everything about the Highlands, its environment and its people. To understand this project you need to know that almost every aspect of life and commerce occurs along one arterial stretch of road, the 700 km long Highlands Highway and Hagen was its beating heart.

Cruising the highway and its back roads, a kind of scrolling visual diary, capturing both the guarded and unguarded moments whilst travelling in a moving car. I loved seeing people’s reactions to seeing Bob Connolly beside me or towards my camera as much as I loved the moments of complete surprise. Shops, churches, markets, people on the go, or just hanging around, arguments and conversations, trade and travel in the land of the unexpected. Over a few weeks I shot thousands of photographs never knowing exactly what I was going to do with them, nor if they were any good not. There was no pressure and I was using my travel time to have fun and make pictures. I’m an experimental witness to a beautiful and magical place that could do with a different kind of perspective. 

I am the passenger looking out through my lens of Humanity. 

Related Fairs

Editions / Artists Book Fair 2016 (EABF 2016)


MONA, Australia (Ed. 4/5)

National Library of Australia (Ed. A/P)

State Library of NSW (Ed. 3/5)

State Library of Victoria (Ed. 5/5)

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, USA (Ed. 2/5)



A small selection of page layouts from of the book.


Publication Date: 2015-16

Artwork type: Unique books (unique photo paper boxes)

Medium: digital print

Dimensions: 11.0 in W x 8.74 in H x 1.75 in D

Binding Type: accordion

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $3000.00

Publisher: Stephen Dupont


Stephen Dupont (artist)


Pigment ink printed on Canson Arches Velin Museum Rag paper, 315 gsm.

Related Fairs

Los Angeles Art Book Fair 2016 (LAABF 2016)


National Library of Australia (Ed. 2/5)

State Library of NSW, Australia (Ed. 5/5)

Ringling College of Art and Design, USA (AP)

State Library of Victoria, Australia (Ed. 4/5)



Locks, Chains & Engine Blocks

A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2014

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print, photo

Dimensions: 6.375 in W x 8.875 in H x 2.0 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 15

Price: USD $4,000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)

Joseph Conrad (writer)


Photographs shot in 1993, published in 2014.

Background: I used to think that nightmares were something of dreams, a burden of one’s subconscious. Angola in 1993 was like taking an express elevator to Hell. Civil war was raging and in between trips to the frontlines I spent time photographing a mental asylum in the capital Luanda. I wanted to explore the dark corridors of madness; the damage that war inflicts on the human psyche. A place so vile and horrific, I faced my own fears, disgust and intrigue in order to capture life inside Angola’s broken minds. Run by a part traditional healer and part leader of a Christian-based religious sect, Papa Kitoko was Angola’s answer to the Devil himself. Twenty years later I journey into my archive vault making a new edit and creation.

Printed digitally on 100% duo cotton rag paper.


MONA, Australia (Ed. 8/15)

Jack Ginsberg, South Africa

National Library of Australia (AP)

State Library of NSW, Australia 

State Library of Victoria, Australia

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Northwestern University, USA (Ed. 1/15)

Incite Project, UK (Ed. 7/15)



Publication Date: 2014

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print

Dimensions: 51.3 cm W x 43.0 cm H x 6.0 cm D

Binding Type: concertina

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $12,000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) was one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded, killing over six thousand people when it devastated the Philippines on 8 November 2013. This artist’s book of black and white reportage photographs by the Australian photojournalist Stephen Dupont records the aftermath of the typhoon in the form of a horizontal concertina (intended to be viewed as a series of four panels). Many of the images are panoramas that depict scenes of near total destruction that Dupont (in reflective text from his journals) likens to the apocalyptic aftermath of a nuclear explosion. He arrived in Guiuan, in Eastern Samar, the point of Haiyan's first landfall, on 19 November and from 22-25 November moved on to Anibong in Tacloban City, Leyte Island, where three large tanker ships were swept inland, wiping out an entire neighbourhood. However amongst the scenes of human tragedy and devastation, from the opening image of a neatly handwritten wall chart proving an overview of the disaster in the emergency operations centre (in one of the few buildings left standing) to the final surreal image of a boy venturing out to sea beyond the debris in the foreground (using an upturned refrigerator as a canoe, and his thongs as paddles), there is a strong sense of survival, recovery and life getting back to normal.

Double sided horizontal concertina, 43 cm x 41 m, folded to 43 x 51.3 cm, in clamshell box. Front and back boards covered in heavy matte black paper, with box covered in the same material. Title handwritten by the artist with a brush, then printed with glossy black foil stamping on front board, box lid and spine.


National Library of Australia (Ed. A/P)

Ginsberg Collections, South Africa (Ed. 2/5, donated to Wits Art Museum, Johannesburg, S.A.)



A small selection of page layouts from of the book.

Publication Date: 2005

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print, photo

Dimensions: 59.4cm W x 42cm H x 6cm in D

Binding Type: hand sewn in hard slip case

Edition Size: 5

Price: USD $15,000


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Photographs of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami from January 2 - 9, 2005 in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The book contains some of the author’s diary notes with two fold out page sections.


National Library of Australia (AP)

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (AP)

Generation AK: The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2012 (Steidl)

Text and book design by Stephen Dupont. Forward by Jacques Menasche.

Publisher and printer: Gerhard Steidl.

First edition 2015, 328 pages, 10.8 x 14.4 in. / 27.5 x 36.5 cm. 260 coplour and black-and-white photographs. Tritone and four-color process, hardcover. 

ISBN 978-3-86930-727-5

Details: Limited edition Steidl book individually numbered and signed. The print is digital on Hahnemuhle paper, each one is numbered and signed. The hand made clamshell case cloth is original imported Desert pattern MARPAT (short for MARine PATtern), a digital camouflage pattern designed for the United States Marine Corps.

Purchase: Click on my Book Shop.

Price: AUD$550.00 plus shipping.

About the book 

Generation AK, The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2012 is a retrospective selection of images of the country where Stephen Dupont has covered everything from civil war and the rise of the Taliban in the 1990s, to the launch of "Operation Enduring Freedom" and the ongoing war on terrorism. Dupont completed much of his work on self-funded trips and as part of one of the last small independent photographic agencies, Contact Press Images, of which he has been a member since 1997. In 2008 Dupont survived a suicide bombing while travelling with an Afghan opium eradication team near Jalalabad.


The Sydney Morning Herald

Capture Magazine

Suddeutsche Zeitung Magazin




National Library of Australia

State Library of NSW, Australia

State Library of Victoria, Australia



AFGHANISTAN 1993 - 2009 - The Box Set


Publication Date: 2012

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print

Dimensions: 9.0 in W x 11.0 in H x 8.5 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn, custom box

Edition Size: 11

Price: USD 14000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)




A box set edition of five books which includes Generation AK: The Afghanistan wars 1993 - 2009, Stoned In Kabul, Axe Me Biggie, Why Am I A Marine? and Diaries of Stephen Dupont. The books are all fully archival and printed with Epson pigment inks on Innova 225 gsm 100% cotton-rag paper, then coated with Hahnemuhle spray coating. Hand stitched section sewn binding with debossed greyboard front and back covers and black cloth spine. The slipcase cloth is Desert pattern MARPAT (short for MARine PATtern), a digital camouflage pattern designed for the United States Marine Corps.
Digital print. Custom box. 11" x 9." Edition of 11. 2012.

Related Fairs

New York Art Book Fair 2012 (NYABF 12)

Editions / Artists Book Fair 2013 (EABF 13)

New York Art Book Fair 2013 (NYABF 13)

Brooklyn Books Art Photos Design Expo

Related Educational Program

Art that Moves: Booklyn at Provisions Library, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April 17, 2013


National Library of Australia

State Library of NSW, Australia

Australian Defence Force Academy Library

Harvard University, Fine Arts Library, USA

Shark Island Institute, Australia (Ed. A/P)



GENERATION AK: The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2009


Title: Generation AK: The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2009

Publication Date: 2012

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print, photo

Dimensions: 8.5 in W x 10.5 in H x 2 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 100

Price: USD $3,000.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Available as an individual book or in a box set edition of five books which include Stoned In Kabul, Axe Me Biggie, Why Am I A Marine? and The Afghanistan Diaries: 1993 - 2012. The fully archival book is 224 pages and printed with Epson pigment inks on Innova 225 gsm 100% cotton-rag paper, then coated with Hahnemuhle spray coating. Hand stitched section sewn binding with debossed greyboard front and back covers and black cloth spine.


National Library of Australia





Title: Stoned In Kabul

Publication Date: 2011

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: photo, digital print

Dimensions: 8.5 in W x 10.5 in H x 2.25 in D

Binding Type: cloth case, hand sewn

Edition Size: 100

Price: USD $2,8000.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Jacques Menasche (writer)

Stephen Dupont (artist)



2012 Momento Pro Photobook of the Year Award. The award celebrates the work of Australian photographers in conjunction with the Head On Photo Festival.

The project "Stoned in Kabul" documents the life of two brothers struggling against heroin addiction in the war torn capital of Afghanistan, Kabul.

The project has also been conceived as a documentary film in collaboration with Stephen's friend, journalist and writer Jacques Menasche; Stephen and Jacques designed the book together as a companion piece to the documentary and Jacques narration also accompanies the photo book that has taken first place.

Stephen was not able to attend the awards ceremony and below is a short message of thanks he posted from Vanuatu to be shown in his absence

From 2006 through 2008 Dupont and Menasche followed and ultimately formed an intimate relationship with Reza and Hussein, two brothers living in Kabul with a severe heroin addiction. Their story parallels the story of their war torn country and ultimately confronts the reader with their own complicity in the myriad layers of addiction and modern colonialism.

Originally shot in medium and 35mm formats with various films and video stills, ink jet printed. Hand sewn binding. 10.5" x 8.5." Limited numbered edition of 100. Published by Bordertown Books, the artist’s imprint, in Sydney, Australia. 2011.

Limited Edition Book, 100 numbered copies. 10 3/8 x 8 ½ inches. This book is printed on archival 220 gsm pure cotton rag photographic paper. Each book is personally hand bound and stitched. The limited edition is 100 only.

Related Fairs

Photoville 2013

New York Art Book Fair 2012 (NYABF 12)


Boston Aethenaeum, Boston, MA

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

National Library of Australia

British Library

University of California at Santa Barbara, CA

University of Miami, FL





Publication Date: 2012

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print

Dimensions: 8.5 in W x 10.5 in H x 1.25 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 100

Price: USD $1,800.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Stephen Dupont (artist)

Jacques Menasche (writer)



First the big picture, and on March 13, 2006 – the day Stephen Dupont made the ninety-three photographs in this volume – the big picture in Kabul is more bombs, more drugs, and more poor. It’s an old story by now: the foreign promise unfulfilled, the failed reforms, a country immune to money, schools, and eight-part programs, always reverting to its savage nature. It doesn’t help that Stephen and I spent the better part of the last three weeks in a mental hospital. Whatever other effects that may have had, it turned this city into a sort of violent burlesque and in my mind’s eye I see, as undoubtedly he does too, a kaleidoscopic cascade of junkies, electroshock patients, and amputees.

This volume is not about the big picture. It’s about all the small ones, the ninety-three particular, like-no-one-elses you see here. As journalists we use individuals as emblems, symbols, small faces to make big judgments. But obviously, any single Afghan, any single story, is more ambiguous, more murky than that. 

[...]“Axe Me Biggie”  — a crude Anglo phonetic rendering of the Dari for “Mister, take my picture!” — is Stephen’s answer to the plea he’s heard all over town the previous three weeks. It seems to mean something in English, “axe” being just a more visceral and violent version of the camera verb “to shoot,” returning all its original aura of surrender. And because Stephen has that pulverizing Aussie-rules rugby body, “Axe Me Biggie” also seems a request addressed to him personally. Stephen is Biggie. And on this day Biggie finally answers them all, en masse, saying, “Yes, alright. I will axe you, shoot you, take your bloody picture. Have a seat!” — Jacques Menasche, New York, August 2006

Related Fairs

Photoville 2013


Harvard University Art Library, MA

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

National Library of Australia

British Library

University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Wesleyan University, CT





Title: Why Am I A Marine?

Publication Date: 2011

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print, photo

Dimensions: 8.75 in W x 10.5 in H x 1.25 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 100

Price: USD $1,900.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Available as an individual book or in a box set edition of five books which include Generation AK: The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2009, Stoned In Kabul, Axe Me Biggie and The Afghanistan Diaries: 1993 - 2012. The fully archival book is 126 pages and printed with Epson pigment inks on Innova 225 gsm 100% cotton-rag paper, then coated with Hahnemuhle spray coating. Hand stitched section sewn binding with debossed greyboard front and back covers and black cloth spine.

Why Am I A Marine? is a portrait series of a single US Marine platoon based in Afghanistan in 2009. Weapons Platoon 2nd BAT LAR were based in Khan Neshin, Helmand Province. This book contains scans of the original Moleskine journal that I took into the field and used as both a daily diary and a photo book containing original Polaroids of each Marine in the platoon. The portraits were taken around the Forward Operating Base Castle and alongside each Polaroid, rawly taped inside the journal, are personal testimonies from each of the Marines to the question, why am I a Marine? The book represents the journal in design and sequence, showing the actual journal object throughout. The original journal is in the permenant collection of the Prints & Photographs Collection of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. The work has been featured in Aperture Magazine and Aperture publication Photographic Memory.

Related Fairs

Los Angeles Art Book Fair 2014 (LAABF 14)

Los Angeles Art Book Fair 2016 (LAABF 2016)

Selected Collections

Australian War Memorial

National Library of Australia

University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

University of Central Florida, FL

University of California at Santa Barbara, CA

University of Connecticut, Dodd Research Center, Storrs, CT

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

University of Washington, WA

Yale University, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, CT



The Afghanistan Diaries: 1993 - 2012


Title: The Afghanistan Diaries: 1993 - 2012

Publication Date: 2012

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print

Dimensions: 8.75 in W x 10.5 in H x 2.5 in D

Binding Type: hand sewn

Edition Size: 100

Price: USD $3,500.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Stephen Dupont (artist)


Available as an individual book or in a box set edition of five books which include Generation AK: The Afghanistan Wars 1993 - 2009, Stoned In Kabul, Axe Me Biggie and Why Am I A Marine? The fully archival book is 328 pages and printed with Epson pigment inks on Innova 225 gsm 100% cotton-rag paper, then coated with Hahnemuhle spray coating. Hand stitched section sewn binding with debossed greyboard front and back covers and black cloth spine.

The Afghanistan Diaries: 1993 - 2012 is a an edited selection of Stephen Dupont's original field diaries, artist books and objects from his work and experiences on Afghanistan. This volume runs in chronological order and contains a mixture of scans of his actual journals, books and collectables and transcriptions of diary entries. The book's concept and design fits in with Dupont's personal vision and his artistic appropaches to essentially a life's journey through the wars in Afghanistan. The end result of this book is a kind of insider's guide to the mind and vision of this extraordinary photographer and film-maker.


National Library of Australia



Piksa Nuigini

Piksa Niugini

Title: Piksa Nuigini

Publication Date: 2012

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: digital print, photo

Dimensions: 10.5 in W x 12.75 in H x 2.75 in D

Binding Type: custom box, cloth case

Edition Size: Edition of 15

Price: USD $7,500.00

Publisher: A Bordertown Book


Stephen Dupont (artist)


Piksa Nuigini or Picture New Guinea is a collection of portraits taken in 2011 as part of Stephen Dupont's Gardner Fellowship in Photography at Harvard's Peabody Museum. The portrait series is broken up into chapters of Kaugere Settlement in Port Moresby, Mt Hagen, the Sing-Sing Festivals of Mt Hagen, Goroka and Wabag, and, Govermas village in the Sepik. Mainly B+W with some colour, each portrait was taken on a Polaroid 4x5 Land camera with a mixture of negative and positive film, and Polaroid Type 55. Dupont's aim was to capture the human spirit of the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG). In a sense the series is a window inside humanity in one of the world's last truly wild and unique frontiers. It's about triabl identity in 2011, and the annual Highland's Sing-Sing Festivals might be the last cultural showcase of tradition and custom left. His photographs aim to showcase not just the visual anthropology of a race and land, but to highlight the effects of rapid changes taking place on traditional values and cultural identity. In recent times PNG has gone through some of the most significant cultural shifts and change since earlky days of colonisation.
The fully archival book is 192 pages and printed with Epson pigment inks on Innova 225 gsm 100% cotton-rag paper, then coated with Hahnemuhle spray coating. Hand stitched section sewn binding with debossed linen front and back covers and black cloth spine.The book comes inside a debossed pressed linen clamshell box and together with a signed editioned gelatin silver print inside debossed pressed linen folder. 

Digital print. Custom box. 12.75" x 10.5" x 2.75." 192 pages. Limited edition of 15. 2012.

Related Fairs

New York Art Book Fair 2012 (NYABF 12)

Editions / Artists Book Fair 2013 (EABF 13)

Codex International Book Art Fair 2013

Los Angeles Art Book Fair 2013 (LAABF 13)



National Library of Australia

Manfred Heiting Collection

Robert Gardner Collection, USA

Harvard University, MA

State Library of NSW




Title: Raskols

Publication Date: 2006

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: Photographs, scratchings, etching

Dimensions: 19.50 in W x 23.0 in H x 1.60 in D

Binding Type: Concertina, stainless steel covers

Edition Size: Edition of 5

Publisher: A Bordertown Book

Price: USD$60,000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Raskols (tok pisin for criminals) is a portrait series documenting the individuals behind the facelessness of gang culture in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby. The photographs are of Kips Kaboni or Red Devils and were taken in a safe house in 2004 over several trips. Many youth are driven to crime out of poverty and unemployment and the gang life offers them an identity within a fractured community. Often drawn along tribal lines, gangs provide both protection and welfare inside the poor settlements they come from. As law and order crumbles and corrupts inside Papua New Guinea, these gang members become the frontline to survival for many of its citizens. 


Sixty gelatin silver prints of photographs and hand etched text on pages assembled in accordion fold binding with stainless steel front and back covers. Book is housed inside rubber sealed inner lining, screw and bolted stainless steel case. Each book is unique with a different chemical etched photo on the case cover. Each page is hand printed in the dark room by the artist's printer Chris Reid and all etching and design is by the artist. All books are totally hand made by the artist. Dimensions are 23 x 19.5 inches with 60 pages. The edition is 5 with each one Unique. Editions # 3/5, #4/5 #5/5 are available.


Joy Of Giving Something Inc. NYC, USA

National Library of Australia


Bookmarked, Stills Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 2015

DIAMOND LEAVES: Artist Books from around the World, Central Academy of

Fine Arts Museum, Beijing, China, 2012



PANORAMAS VOL. 1, 1999 - 2005

Title: Panoramas  Vol. 1, 1999 - 2005  

Publication Date: 2009

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: Digital photographs

Dimensions: 18.0 in W x 7.0 in H x 2.50 in D

Binding Type: Concertina, clam shell case

Edition Size: Edition of 50

Publisher: A Bordertown Book

Price: USD$7,500.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Panoramas is a collection of six-years of the artist’s personal favourite panoramic photographs. A visual diary and cinematic journey... PANORAMAS is war, chaos, revelation, entrapment, isolation and peace...it is Humanity and Inhumanity.


Originally shot in medium and 35mm formats with various films, all photographs are scanned from original film negatives and printed with a 12 color Roland D’Vinci on acid free 300GSM archival art paper with pure pigment archival pigment ink. All photographs are taken by the artist and fully copyrighted to the artist.

Edition of 50, 7 by 18 inches, 88 pages, 80 photographs, thumbnails with captions at book end, accordion fold binding with hard covers, in a clamshell box, 135 feet unfolded.


Aethenaeum Music and Arts Library, La Jolla, CA

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany

Cornell University, NY

Florida Atlantic University (FAU), The Jaffe Book Arts Collection, FL

National Library of Australia

State Library of NSW, Australia

State Library of Victoria, Australia

Staatlicht Museen zu Berlin Kunstbibliothek (Art Library), Germany

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

St. Olaf College MN

University of Connecticut, Dodd Research Center, Storrs, CT

University of California, Irvine, CA

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN





Title: Sing - Sing 

Publication Date: 2006

Artwork type: Editioned book

Medium: Photographs, ink, woodcuts, linocuts

Dimensions: 6.0 in W x 7.5 in H x 2.50 in D

Binding Type: Concertina

Edition Size: Edition of 5

Publisher: A Bordertown Book

Price: USD$15,000.00


Stephen Dupont (artist)



Portraits of Papua New Guinea tribal people in traditional costume at the Mount Hagen Show in 2004. All taken on Polaroid positive-negative 665 film inside a makeshift grass hut studio. 


Seventy one gelatin silver prints assembled in accordion fold binding with hard board  front and back covers. Book comes inside hand made slip case box covered in woodblock printed canvas. Cover and seven inside pages contain original artworks made with woodblock and lino cut printing and calligraphy. Three triptychs assembled with gatefold sections. All pages are hand printed in the dark room by the artist's printer Chris Reid. Book dimensions are 6 x 7.5 inches, 32 feet unfolded. Edition is 5 with each one being Unique, available are #2/5, #3/5, #4/5, #5/5. All photographs and design by the artist and the books are all hand made by the artist. Each print is individually signed and titled on back.  


Minneapolis Institute of Arts MN

Private Collections



 REPORTAGE: a retrospective 1999 - 2009

Reportage Book

Title: Reportage: a retrospective 1999 - 2009

Editors: Stephen Dupont and Jacqui Vicario

Authors: Stephen Dupont, Jacqui Vicario, Jack Picone, Michael Amendolia, David Dare Parker

Publisher: Reportage

© Reportage 2010 Limited First Edition of 200 only, 100 pages

Sponsor: Momento Pro

Price: AUD$195.00

Purchase: Stephen Dupont or Momento Pro


Reportage: a retrospective 1999-2009is a companion catalogue to the outdoor exhibition shown at the National Art School in East Sydney on November 5 - 21, 2010. A collection of some of the most memorable images in the festival's history has been selected by Reportage's founding photographers - Stephen Dupont, Jack Picone, David Dare Parker, Michael Amendolia with Festival Director Jacqui Vicario. Foreword by Robert McFarlane.